Would You Like to Run or Walk 5km by Christmas?

27 Aug 2015

Are you interested in taking up running and want some company to help you along the way?

A local Clontarf resident will start a running group for beginners with the goal of achieving 5km by Christmas. A complete beginner in running himself, David is proposing to start a group so that anyone interested in taking up this activity can do so with company and support. 

Following a program from the Mayo Clinic, the group will meet at the Wooden Bridge or Rose Gardens on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6PM, and Sundays at 10AM (these times are provisional). Each meeting will last about 50 minutes, consisting of a 10 minute warm-up/stretch, 30 minutes running/walking and a 10 minute cool-down/stretch. 

There is no charge to join the group; it is simply an opportunity for members of the community to get together and achieve a fitness goal while having fun! 

If this is something you feel you would be interested in taking part in, phone David Robinson on 087 222 3030.