World Bee Day 20th May

20 May 2021

Message from Clontarf Residents’ Association & Clontarf Tidy Towns

National Biodiversity Week - 15th to 23rd May

World Bee Day 20th May

Did you know? 

  • Ireland has 98 species of bees
  • 21 species of bumblebees and 77 species of solitary bees
  • Bees are the country’s main pollinators

“More than half of Ireland’s bee species have undergone substantial declines in their numbers since 1980.  The distribution of 42 species has declined by more than 50%.”

Delaying mowing lawns and grass verges so that the early flowers of plants such as daisies, dandelions, creeping buttercups and white clover get a chance to bloom and provide food for pollinators is a simple way of helping to protect our bees. 

We are working with DCC to introduce no-mow/low-mow areas in a number of locations around Clontarf – for example, the inner verge on Vernon Ave & Sybil Hill Road from Hampton Court to the nursing home, the grassed areas in the vicinity of the Tram Shelter on the Clontarf Road, the grassed area at the junction of Seafield Road and Seapark Road and the grassed areas in front of the car parks on the Promenade.

Keep sending your photos capturing the biodiversity in your garden in to us at