WIN! A stunning Mothers Day Flower Bouquet + Delivery From The Yard Florist!
Our valued business sponsor The Yard Florist are running an exciting competition ahead of Mother’s Day 2015!
Mothers love flowers, so this Mother's Day why not surprise your Mum with a bouquet, floral arrangement, basket or planted container from The Yard Florist Clontarf!
This is your chance to WIN a FREE Mother’s Day flower bouquet! This fantastic prize includes FREE home delivery to your address/mother’s address*.
This exclusive competition will only run for one day so get involved as soon as possible!
In order to be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize, visit our Facebook page. Simply like our page and share the competition post (pinned to the top of our Facebook wall) to be in with a chance of winning!
The WINNER will be announced on the evening of Saturday 14th March - so get sharing while you still can!!
The Yard Florist is located on Vernon Avenue Clontarf and is open from 9am this Saturday and Sunday. The Yard Florist also offer a delivery service throughout Clontarf and wider afield.
The team at The Yard Florist love creating beautiful and unique floral arrangements and bouquets for every occasion. As well as fresh cut flowers, they offer a variety of seasonal garden and quirky house plants. The team at the Yard Florist design for all floral occasions including weddings, birthdays, debs, funerals, personal and corporate events.
To order your bouquet today, give them a call on (01) 532 4899 or visit The Yard Florist Clontarf
Terms & Conditions
*Bouquet value €60 - flowers include roses and hydrengeas
*Address of winner must be in Clontarf OR surrounding area (Northside only)
*Delivery will take place on Sunday 15th March 2015