Vytal - Launch of Major Local Initiative to Reduce Single-Use Packaging

13 Oct 2022
October 13th saw the launch of a great new initiative that sees Clontarf leading the charge in reusable packaging.
Vytal's reusable containers are now available in Nolan’s, Happy Out, Bold and Brass, and Olive's Room (more partners to follow shortly).
- Single-use packaging is used once and thrown away. This planet has a 500 billion a year single-use cup problem... not to mention all the other food packaging!
- We need to reduce our packaging waste - Ireland has the highest packaging waste per person in Europe, twice the EU average.
- Good recycling is half the battle, it won't solve the problem.
- We need to move from a linear (take make waste) to a circular (keep resources in circulation) economy.
- A digital platform is needed to keep this reusable packaging in circulation.
- Can you choose to reuse? Together we can change how we consume and lead the way in the circular economy.
- Download the app.
- Ask for your takeaway in a reusable container.
- Borrow for free and return to any partner in the network within 14 days.
Together we can create a robust reuse system and enable Ireland's move to a circular economy!
Email hello@vytalireland.ie with any questions.