Volunteers Needed Urgently - Can you spare a little time to help?
We are delighted to have our website and email newsletter at our disposal to keep residents informed about the issues that affect them. In particular, the upcoming planning application for the infill of parts of the bay.
However, we still recognise the need for some additional help on a road-by-road basis to maximise the delivery of our message to residents, some of whom are not using the internet.
To this end, we are seeking a Road Representative from each road in Clontarf to co-ordinate specific activities for example, delivering notices and promoting the work of the Clontarf Residents' Association. Your commitment does not need to be long term and we would anticipate that the workload would be fairly light and may involve about 1-2 hours per month.
If you are interested in helping us, please get in touch.
Thank you in advance.