URGENT: Major water supply disruption for Clontarf

05 Aug 2012

Dublin City Council Water Alert Clontarf

UPDATED: 6th August 2012, 10.03am - SEE BELOW


1. 9.25am - Info received from local resident Donna Cooney - see bottom of this story

2. 10.01am: DCC phone message states that tankers expected in Clontarf from 10.00am - exact locations to be advised soon.

3. 10.13am: According to local resident, tankers are reported to currently be on location on The Stiles Road 

4. 10.22am: Issue is expected to last until Tuesday according to DCC info

5. 11.28am: We just spoke to Kevin from DCC on The Stiles Road. There is a mobile unit currently stationed there near the Spar shop. This unit will move about certain roads thorughout the day. There is a static unit on Castle Avenue (not sure where) and a further unit is on the way which they think may end up staying at the top of The Stiles Road. The mobile unit will disappear every now and again as it will need to refill. The tanks will be in place until 9.00pm this evening. Please bring your own container if you can. DCC have a limited supply of water bags that they can make available but they may need to reserve these for senior citizens in the area. There is no guarantee when this issue will be resolved. Further sampling is taking place today. Kincora Avenue which was not orignally on the DCC list IS affected as many of you had suspected. There isn't a tanker on St Lawrence Road, there may have been earlier but not now.

6. 2.15pm: Just to be clear, our understanding is that the water coming out of the taps cannot be used even when boiled. The water delivered by DCC via tanks needs to be boiled first.

7. 9.32pm: Councillor Naoise O'Muiri (Lord Mayor) has posted some points on his website which gives some background on this issue. He also states that it will be tomorrow (Tuesday) before new sample results are available.

8. 11.45pm: Councillor Jane Horgan-Jones has posted the following message on Twitter:

"I have written to the City Manager for urgent clarification on what "yielded a non compliance" means re . Not clear enough."



Dublin City Council have issued a major water alert that affects a significant number of streets in Clontarf. Water is not to be used for drinking or cooking purposes until further notice.

Their website states:

"Dublin City Council will continue to carry out remedial works and continue to sample the water supply in order to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Dublin City Council have already mobilized water tankers in the area.

Further information including tanker locations and a map indicating the DMA affected can be found on our website www.dublincity.ie  or by contacting our customer services at the numbers below;

  • Emergencies / Out-of-office hours: ph: 679 6186
  • Water Services Division: ph: 222 0600 (Working hours, Monday to Friday)
  • Dublin City Council, customer services: ph: 222 2222 (Working hours, Monday to Friday)

Dublin City Council apologises to our customers for any inconvenience and to thank them for their patience and cooperation."

Roads affected:Howth Road from Hollybrook Park to Collins Ave, Hollybrook Park, Hollybrook Road, Lawrence Grove, St Lawrence Road, The Stiles Road, The Stiles Court, Victoria Road, Haddon Road, Castle Avenue from Clontarf Road to Kincora Avenue, Castle Road, Kincora Drive, Kincora Grove, Castle Grove, Dunseverick Road



Further to the above, we received the following update overnight from Donna Cooney, local Green Party representative...

"To whom it concerns

I contacted Dublin city council out of hours water services on Saturday after receiving complaints from resident on castle avenue regarding water supply notice. I was informed that the issue would be resolved by Sunday and that other households would not be affected. I suggested that water be supplied to the houses affected. Later on Saturday morning the water was cut to Victoria road and haddon road. I contacted out of hours services and a recorded message informed that some supplying in the surrounding areas of castle avenue would be affected. Speaking with out of services they informed of that a water tank would be put on castle avenue from 2.30 pm but they could not say where on castle avenue the tank would be placed. Also the issue would be resolved by Sunday morning.
I received a notice from our local lord mayor this evening after midnight and also a notice from Dublin city council that instead of the issue been resolved it had now been extended to many roads including my own on victoria road.
What the notice or the website did not inform are.
Why is the water not safe?
What is in the water?
When did the water become unsafe?
There are many elderly people in the affected houses, a nursing home on Haddon road and new born babies and pregnant women.
As you are not just advising boiling of water i can presume that the water is contaminated by chemicals or heavy metals. As a resident a mother of young children and a green party representative, i am very concerned. I thank the Lord 
Mayor cllr. Naoise O' Muiri for sending out the notice and awaited a speedy reply to my questions.
We have also been conserving water as requested by Dublin city council and was dismayed to see drinking water streaming down castle avenue today from the mains.
Was that necessary?

Donna Cooney"

More details on DCC website here