Urgent action needed on flood defence plan - Cooney

21 May 2014

Local election candidate for Clontarf, Donna Cooney, has today called on Dublin City Council to make an application for funds available to develop flood defences, with more bad weather forecast for the coming days.

Speaking this morning, Cooney said: "Met Éireann are predicting heavy rain and possible flooding, and the chance always remains that lightening could seriously disrupt electricity supplies. I've been told that the financing for flood defences is available, but Dublin City Council are yet to make an application for Clontarf.

"As Met Eireann cannot accurately predict flash flooding, we should be prepared for an emergency situation at any time. Local authorities will need funding from central government in order to put a sufficient plan in place.

"This is a huge issue locally, as Clontarf has had more than its fair share of flooding in recent times. Any successful plan will require both that the public are informed, and that every household has a flood emergency strategy. Modern technology has a role to play here, and I would like to see the Council seize the initiative and have a mobile application developed that gave people advice, warnings, and contact information for the emergency services.

"The local authority's development plan must also take into account of the need for future buildings to be adequately prepared for flood situations, and current vulnerable properties need to be retrofitted to withstand flooding, as well as assessed for ease of evacuation.

"If elected on May 23rd, all Green councillors will make adequate flood defences a priority for communities around the country."