Update - Proposed Development St. Pauls Playing Fields St Annes

15 Oct 2020

Update on Proposed Development
St. Paul’s Playing Fields in St Anne’s

Clontarf Residents’ Association and I Love St Anne’s have been actively involved in the campaign to prevent development on the St Paul’s playing fields and to protect these lands going forward.

This morning in the High Court we were granted leave to take a judicial review of the most recent An Bord Pleanála decision to grant permission for a large-scale development on these fields.

It is now 5 years since the Vincentian Fathers sold these lands and the community opposition has not waned over that time. The importance of green space such as these fields to the school, the local sporting clubs, the wider community and from an environmental perspective couldn’t be more obvious.

In 2018 funds were raised to fight this battle. We have stretched those funds as far as we could to cover the costs of the legal campaigns but the kitty is running dry. If we are to continue with this JR and to pursue the case seeking to have the lands designated as a Special Protection Area, we need to raise more money. There are three ways to donate to the campaign:

1. Credit/Debit Card:​savestannes.swoofee.com

2. Credit Transfer:​Save St Anne’s account with Bank of Ireland:

3. Cheque: made out to Save St Anne’s, posted to
​Save St Anne’s. C/O Whelan & Co Accountants, 1 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3

Please include your contact details – Name, Address, email and phone number - if you would like a receipt or if you want us to record your personal details with your donation. We will also use these details to keep you up to date with the campaign. A copy of our Data Protection Policy can be found here.

Funds raised as part of this campaign will be used solely and exclusively for the campaign. Our finances will be overseen by an independent accountant. In the unlikely event that there are any funds remaining at the end of the campaign, donations in excess of €500 will be refunded to the donor on a pro-rata basis. Any other remaining funds will be donated to local charities – St Francis Hospice, Irish Wheelchair Association and Central Remedial Clinic.

As always, if you would like to give us feedback on these or any other issues, please email us at clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com.