Update on Meeting with Dublin City Council

12 Jan 2012

dublin city council logoA combined CRA/CBA group met with DCC officials on Tuesday as a follow up to the December Council meeting where the previous flood defence plan was rejected by councillors.
The purpose of the meeting was to allow DCC to formally communicate the decision of the council to ourselves and to agree the initial steps required to get a new design and consultation process underway.
The following items were discussed:

  • Timeframe for new flood defence project
  • Interim flood protection plans
  • Special measures for weak points along the promenade
  • Overgrown shrubbery on the promenade.
  • Pluvial (rainwater) flooding and drain performance

We are awaiting written responses from DCC in relation to several of the above matters. On receipt of same, we plan to communicate further with residents.
Next steps
It was agreed that it would be best to begin the consultation process in relation to a new flood defence project as soon as possible and with this in mind a further meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 22nd February.