Update on Clontarf Cocoon Initiative | April 3rd

03 Apr 2020

The following is an update from the Clontarf Residents' Association on the Clontarf Cocoon Initiative.

We have had a great response to Clontarf Cocoon since it launched.

Lots of people have volunteered their services and our volunteers have been out delivering shopping, prescriptions, newspapers and walking dogs.

If you are over 70, medically vulnerable or a front-line health-care worker in need of assistance please get in touch with us by calling the named volunteers on the letter delivered to your home or by emailing ClontarfCocoon@gmail.com. Your community is ready, willing and able to support you.

Last weeks announcement of further restrictions on the over 70s has meant that many fit and healthy seniors, who are often great community volunteers themselves, are now confined to their homes. It is very important that our over 70s understand that this is for their own safety and well-being.

If you are used to being active and independent it is not easy to stay at home or to ask for help, but that is what you are being asked to do. While you stay at home, we will do our best to help you. If we all follow the Government guidelines, together, we can beat this virus and we will come out stronger on the other side.
If you are the friend or relative of someone living in the area who might benefit from our service, please get in touch with them and encourage them to reach out to us. We are happy to help.

Some of the local shops and pharmacies have made special arrangements to take orders and payments over the phone/by email. Our volunteers are happy to collect and deliver your shopping from any of the local outlets.

Many local clubs, road associations and individual neighbours have made their own arrangements in terms of offering help to those who need it. The community spirit in this regard has been incredible.

We delivered over 6,000 letters in the area but if for some reason we missed out on your road please get in touch.

Clontarf Gardaí are aware of what we are doing and are here to help and support us in any way they can. Should you need to, you can contact them on (01) 6664800.

Remember, the advice from the Government and the HSE is that we stay at home. This initiative aims to make that possible for our valued older people and those with an underlying medical condition - don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Finally, for up to date factual information and advice on Coronavirus visit https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ or call 1850 24 1850.

Stay safe and well. We are all in this together.

Clontarf Residents’ Association