Update from I Love St Anne's | June 2019
The Following is an update from the I Love St Anne's Group in relation to the proposed planning at St Paul's/St Anne's.
On 24th May 2019, Crekav entered into pre-application consultations with An Bord Pleanala regarding a re-submission of their planning application for the St. Paul’s playing fields. Limited details are available on www.pleanala.ie using the reference PL29N.304524 The purpose of the pre-application consultation process is set out below, in an extract from An Bord Pleanala’s website. It can be assumed that once they complete this pre-application consultation process to the satisfaction of An Bord Pleanala, Crekav will submit a new planning application which we expect will be largely unchanged from the original.
Significantly at this time, An Bord Pleanala is still awaiting a decision from the High Court in Crekav’s Judicial Review of the Board’s decision to refuse permission at St. Paul’s for the same application.
An Bord Pleanala’s 2018 decision to refuse can be viewed here http://www.pleanala.ie/casenum/302225.htm
Purpose of the Pre-Application Consultation
The purpose of the documentation and consultation meeting is to assist An Bord Pleana?la in the forming of an Opinion under section 6(7) of the Act of 2016.
The Opinion that is formed is on whether the documents submitted to An Bord Pleana?la under section 5(5) constitute a reasonable basis for an application or require further consideration and amendment to constitute a reasonable basis for an application under section 4 of the Act of 2016.
While drawings and layouts of the proposed development are required, discussions at the meeting will focus on key site-specific issues at a strategic overview level. The statements of consistency along with the site layout plan and other information submitted should set out the prospective applicant’s planning rationale for the proposal having specific regard to relevant policies and objectives contained in the development plan and section 28 Ministerial Guidance which is of relevance to the site. These statements should be clear and concise.
The consultation meeting does not involve a merits-based assessment of the proposal and is without prejudice.
Following the Pre-Application Consultation, An Bord Pleana?la will form an Opinion as to whether the documents submitted at pre-application stage constitute a reasonable basis for an application or require further consideration and amendment in order to constitute a reasonable basis for an application. Where An Bord Pleana?la forms the Opinion that further consideration and amendment is required, it shall provide advice as to what issues require to be addressed by the prospective applicant in the documents to be submitted with an application.
An Bord Pleana?la will issue notice of its Opinion to the prospective applicant within three weeks of the date of the last consultation meeting.
This Opinion (issued under section 6(7)) is required by the prospective applicant so as to proceed to the application stage. This Opinion is made available to the public at the application stage.