Update from CRA on Proposed Facilities in St Annes Park
Dublin City Council (DCC) are preparing a Part 8 planning application* for additional facilities at the Red Stables in St Anne’s Park. The proposal includes three elements:
1. A fully accessible disability toilet with adult-size changing facilities.(See www.changingplaces.ie for more information on this type of facility.)
2. A kiosk and toilet block beside the playground.
(Labelled as “proposed pavilion” in the image below.)
3. A “grass paved” overflow car park with 108 new spaces.
The image below, taken from the recent presentation by DCC to our Councillors at the North Central Area Committee, shows the location and extent of the proposed changes.
These Google Street view images of the proposed car park location may be useful to residents in understanding the proposal. The first image shows the existing view of the proposed car park location as viewed from Mount Prospect Avenue. The second image is the existing view from the main entrance. The proposed overflow car park location is marked on the image.
We would welcome residents’ views on each of the three aspects of this proposal by email to clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com.
*A Part 8 Planning Application is the mechanism that the Council use to get approval for its own planning applications. The decision on these applications ultimately rests with our Councillors.