Update from CRA on Clontarf Baths

14 Mar 2018


Update from Clontarf Residents’ Association

               Clontarf Baths

The Clontarf Baths, a unique landmark on the Promenade, has held a special place in the hearts of many in the community and further afield. There are those with fond memories of swimming there on warm summer days, and indeed on colder days, of playing water polo, and so on. Having been left derelict for many years, we very much welcome the fact that what was an eyesore has now been renovated.  

Residents are likely aware that the planning permission for this development has two aspects – the pool and the restaurant.  Regrettably, the owners of the Baths have indicated on their website and in the media that the pool aspect of the development will not be open to the public due to funding constraints. They have said that they hope to open it to clubs who can provide their own insurance and lifeguards.   

A number of residents have contacted us regarding this matter as they view it as a breach of Condition 2 of the planning permission granted by An Bord Pleanála for this development (ABP Planning Red PL 29N.240131) - 

“2. (a)The refurbishment works to the swimming pool area shall be completed prior to the opening of the restaurant/café bar.

(b)The restaurant/café shall be operated in conjunction with the swimming pool.

(c)In the event of a prolonged closure of the swimming pool (in excess of twelve months), the restaurant/café bar shall cease operation, until the swimming pool has been re-opened, unless otherwise agreed with the planning authority.

  To ensure that the restaurant/café bar remains subsidiary to the main use of the site for swimming, in accordance with the recreation and open space zoning of the site.”

The enforcement section of Dublin City Council will be visiting the Baths this week to inspect the development and they will make a determination as to whether or not the development is in accordance with or in breach of its Planning Permission. We will update residents on the outcome of that visit as soon as that information becomes available to us.

Hopefully, the issue with the pool aspect of the development will be resolved sooner rather than later and we look forward to the opening of both aspects of the newly renovated Clontarf Baths.