Update from CRA & I Love St Anne's | St Paul's Playing Fields

15 Jun 2018

Yesterday, June 14th, Judge Barniville granted us leave to take a Judicial Review of the An Bord Pleanála decision to grant permission for a large-scale residential development on the playing fields to the rear of St Paul’s College, Raheny.

The two other parties who are also seeking a Judicial Review of this decision – Mr Peter Sweetman and Louth Environmental Group – were also granted leave.  

All of the grounds upon which the Judicial Reviews have been brought, which include issues related to the Environment, Zoning, Appropriate Assessment, etc, have been granted.  Our Statement of Grounds can be read in full here

We were also granted an order preventing the developer from carrying out any development or preparatory work on the site.   

We are very grateful to those who have contributed to the campaign to date.  Your funding has brought us this far.  

In order to continue with our challenge, we need to raise substantial additional funds to cover the costs of our legal team and any experts they may need to engage.  Before we sought further funding, we wanted to be sure that we could account for all donations properly and we now have systems in place to do this.  You can make a donation to the campaign by cheque or Bank Transfer.  

Cheque:Please download and complete the form here and return it along with your cheque to     Save St Anne’s, C/O Whelan & Co Accountants, 1 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3 

Bank Transfer:  Please  download and complete the form here, and return it to us by email to savestannes@gmail.com and we will forward the bank details to you.   

If you have any queries or questions please contact us at clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com or ilovestannes1@gmail.com.