Update from CRA - Clontarf Prom Development & Flood Defence
Update from Clontarf Residents’ Association
Clontarf Promenade Development and Flood Defence Project
Many of you will be aware that, following rejection of the original flood defence embankment for the Clontarf Promenade in 2011, the CRA, CBA, local Councillors and officials from various departments in Dublin City Council (DCC) have been working together to identify a much-needed solution to the risk of coastal flooding to the houses and businesses on the Clontarf Road while at the same time ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Clontarf Promenade.
Proposals are still in the early stages of development and no decisions have been made. DCC have undertaken to provide visuals of the full proposals when they are at a more advanced stage. This will be essential in terms of ensuring that the community is fully aware of the proposals.
In relation to the flood defence aspect of the scheme, the solution being focused on is a two-wall solution. The existing sea wall will continue to provide the first line of defence and an inner wall near the roadway would provide the second line of defence. This solution takes into account that the Promenade would serve as a flood-plain in the event of the tide coming over the outer wall.
DCC have commissioned further wave modelling analysis and have completed additional surveys of the Clontarf Road and the Promenade. This information will feed into the design solution.
Early indications from this work suggest that in some areas the inner wall heights are likely to be relatively low and should, therefore, provide an acceptable solution for flood defences. In three key areas – at the end of Hollybrook Road, opposite The Baths and at the end of Vernon Avenue, where there has been flooding in the past – the height of inner wall required to give adequate flood protection may involve the loss of passive surveillance and therefore give rise to an increase in the potential for anti-social behaviour.
You may remember that the issue of safety was the main driver for the previous plans being discarded by DCC.
There is still further work to be done in relation to these proposals. This includes, in our view, looking at options that can be brought into play in the areas where the height of the proposed wall would prevent passive surveillance.
We will continue to provide updates via loveclontarf.ie, in the meantime, if you have any specific queries or issues that you would like addressed, please email us at clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com.