The Viking Theatre ... Six months on

01 May 2012

It may be hard to believe but the Viking Theatre, above The Sheds pub, has been packing in the crowds for nearly half a year theatre

The success of the Viking has been down to a number of factors... choice productions, great acting line-ups and an intimate venue which perfectly matches each of the shows.  The Comedy Club weekends have also been playing to packed houses.

At we want to thank Laura and Andy for cultivating a thriving theatre culture here in Clontarf... a gem on our doorstep !  

A special word on the most recent production, 'Tuesdays with Morrie', which starred Andy Murray (Theatre Director) and Terry Byrne. It was directed by Breda Cashe. The reviews for this show were universally positive and word quickly spread ensuring full houses for most of the three week run. It was especially satisfying given that all three are living locally. What a way to end the first 6 months...

For those who missed the production you'll be glad to know it will be returning to the Viking soon and we'll post the details as soon as they are to hand.

In the meantime, keep on supporting the Viking....