The Empty Nest at the Viking Theatre
"The Empty Nest" written by Oisín Flores Sweeney is directed by Geoff Gould and stars Seamus O’Rourke and Joan Sheehy, is a heartwarming and funny show. The story goes that Tony and Sheila are facing an empty nest, and things are getting interesting! Their children have flown the coop, and grandchildren are taking over. Sheila yearns to travel, while Tony's on a new diet, but Sheila's sharp wit could cut glass. And as for their love life... well, let's just say it's been a while!
- Dates: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 - Saturday, November 11th, 2023
- Showtime: Nightly at 8:00 pm
- Get your tickets on the Viking Theatre website. (No Sunday performance)