Support Local Authors this Christmas @ O Hara's Spar!

20 Dec 2018

Here at there are two things we support; the first being shopping local when possible, especially at Christmastime. And the second is the idea of receiving a book as a gift on Christmas morning so cosy up with over the Winter months. That's why we're featuring some fantastic books by local authors in this post, that are sure to make great gifts for your loved ones this Christmas - especially those living in or that have a connection with Clontarf. 

All book are available in O' Hara's Spar Vernon Avenue!

First up is the Atlas of Clontarf by Prof. Colm Lennon. It is the first in the Irish Historic Towns Atlas Dublin Suburbs Series.

The Atlas is a feat of work, tracing the development of a small port village to a modern city suburb, via topographical maps, text and imagery, within a beautifully bound design.

The Atlas, which is published by The Royal Irish Academy and supported by DCC in association with Ordnance Survey Ireland, launched last year to great success.

Watch the video interview HERE with Prof. Colm Lennon, produced by Together Digital, to find out more about this book. 

Second on this list of local books by local authors is "From village to Suburb, the building of Clontarf since 1760. This is a fantastic insight into the development of Clontarf over the last three centuries and focuses on individual buildings including Belgrove House (Now home to Clontarf GAA) and of course, the Guinness estate in St. Anne's. 

Another fantastic book written locally is Life After Life: A Guildford Four Memoir. Most of us are familiar with the story of the ‘Guildford Four’, 3 young Irish men and 1 British woman falsely accused of carrying out a bombing of a pub in London’s Guildford district. This book is the harrowing account of one of those men, Paddy Armstrong. Now a beloved resident of Clontarf, Paddys telling of his mental and physical torture at the hands of cruel racist British police officers and subsequent 15 years imprisonment is a fascinating read. We sat down with Paddy and his co-writer Mary-Elaine Tynan last year to create this short documentary which you can view HERE

Finally, our last pick isn't written by someone local to Clontarf, but it is a perfect book for any little kiddos in your life who've been to Howth before. 'Happy Christmas Pigín' by Kathleen Watkins is a wonderful children's book with beautiful illustrations. A great option to read to any littles before bed on Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas and happy reading!