Statement from Cllr. Naoise O'Muiri - Sea Wall

04 Nov 2015

As you know, yesterday we contacted our public representatives asking if they wished to contribute a statement or opinion piece regarding the current situation with the 'Sea Wall'. The following statement is from Naoise O' Muiri;

I have been getting a huge amount of correspondence on this matter and local residents are understandably concerned about what is happening on the seafront between the Bull Wall and the Causeway.

However there has been a lack of balance to the coverage on thus far.

In the context of sea levels rising in general and in the Clontarf area on average 6mm a year for the last 15 years (according to DCC engineers - data which I will seek to get published after the meeting tomorrow) I believe there is a requirement for a long-term flood defence.

Flood defence is a specialist engineering area and DCC has invested substantial time and public resources to design the appropriate defence and determine the right barrier height; this also involved the commissioning of external expertise.  Much and all as I would like to see a lower barrier height I expect the design to stand up to robust scrutiny when we question DCC officials on it tomorrow morning.

Some would like to see the barrier height reduced which I can understand but will neither settle on an alternative height nor provide a revised engineering rationale for it.

Please find below two links:

(1) The report done by external consultants as part of the design process in 2012:

(2) The Part 8 report as adopted by Dublin City Council in May 2015:

Like other public representatives I will be attending the meeting with DCC project officials tomorrow morning to deal with a number of items:

(1) Review the detailed design/assumptions behind the barrier height to confirm that it is robust  - which I expect it will be

(2) Confirm that the maximum barrier height that pedestrians and cyclists will have to look over (once road/path levels have been completed) is 1 metre

(3) Confirm the length of the coastline for which the average motorist (alone) will lose their views - currently estimated at 400 metres but this has to be confirmed

(4) Discuss an improved barrier finish e.g. cladded stone; I have raised this previously with the CEO and I expect it will be addressed.

I hope to post an update up to after that meeting.