Statement from CRA | Recent Muggings

28 Nov 2018

In the past week, a number of reports of muggings in the area have been circulating on social media.  

The CRA contacted Clontarf Gardai seeking clarification on the matter. They have confirmed they are aware of incidents which have occurred since Halloween and that they have increased patrols in the area as a result. One arrest has been made and Gardai investigations are ongoing. The incidents have taken place during hours of darkness and the perpetrators are not from the area.  

The effect of such an incident on the individuals involved is clearly traumatic. We would encourage everyone to be mindful of their surroundings while out and about and most importantly to report any suspicious behaviour to Clontarf Gardaí on 6664800. As always, in the case of emergency please call 999.  

Gardaí have provided us with the following leaflets on personal safety which residents might find useful. The first outlines Personal Safety and being 'Streetwise' the second is on Mobile Phone Theft Prevention Advice.