Statement from CRA on Clontarf Baths Application
The following is a statement from the Clontarf Residents' Association in relation to the Clontarf Baths planning application.
After much debate and numerous failed attempts planning permission for a development at the site of the old Clontarf Baths was finally granted by An Bord Pleanala (ABP) last week. Once built the seawater swimming pool will be re-opened to the public and there will be a new seaside pavilion providing a range of refreshments for all. The site of the old Clontarf baths has presented a continuing eyesore on the seafront for many years as a derelict site with all the associated difficulties. The CRA welcome the owner's attempts to address this issue.
Throughout the planning application the concerns of the local residents were communicated to the relevant planning authorities by the CRA throughout the statutory process. An observation was lodged during the observation period of the initial application and then, at the request of ABP, a second observation was made during the appeal period. The CRA were pleased to see that many of our concerns in relation to the plan were taken on board which was reflected in the conditions appended to the planning decision.
Please note contrary to previous third party correspondence the CRA did not appeal this application to ABP as stated.
While we are aware that a number of residents still have grave concerns about the plan, we believe that if the plan does proceed it will have benefits for the Clontarf and the promenade. Most particularly, it will result in the elimination of a derelict site that was increasingly becoming an eyesore and a risk.
The aim of the CRA throughout this process has been to try and achieve the proper development of this site for the benefit of all residents. The CRA will continue our interest in the scheme and welcomes your comments for our records.