Statement from Clontarf Residents' Association re St. Anne's Decision

19 Feb 2020

Re: SHD Application no. ABP-305680-19

Construction of 657 Apartments on the St Paul’s Playing Fields

We are surprised and disappointed at the decision of An Bord Pleanala to grant permission (dated 13th February 2020) for this development.  This decision goes against the recommendation of Dublin City Council and appears to be in direct conflict with the Board’s recent decision to refuse the school’s application for permission for a Sports Hall and All-weather Pitch on the adjoining lands (APB 301482-18 - dated 6th February 2020).

It is difficult to understand how the Board could have reached two such differing decisions within a week of each other on what was originally the same site.  We will be discussing our options with our legal team and issue another statement in due course.

Link to decision here: