Statement from Cllr. Ciaran O' Moore - Sea Wall

04 Nov 2015

Yesterday we reached out to our public representatives asking whether they would like to contribute a public statement to regarding the current issue of the Sea Wall. Councillor Ciaran O' Moore has been in contact with us and has provided the following statement;

In relation to the flood defense wall, I fully agree that a flood defense wall is required. In saying that I disagree with the height of the wall and I have concerns in relation to the render on the wall. I raised my concern and the concern raised to me by the residents of Clontarf and surrounding areas with Dublin City Council a number of weeks ago. I received a reply last today and apparently a coping stone is the possible finish. I will continue to work with the residents and my fellow Clontarf ward Councillors on this serious issue

Go raibh maith agat.