St. Paul's/St. Anne's Planning - Final Date for Objections!

11 Jan 2016

 We would like to remind our readers that the final date for objections regarding the application for Housing Development at the playing fields adjacent to St. Paul’s College / St. Anne’s Park, is Thursday 21st January 2015, before 4:30 pm. 

We originally issued information on the this planning application on Tuesday 22nd December 2015. 

Full information can be found below…

Proposal for Housing Development at Playing Fields adjacent to St. Paul’s College / St. Anne’s Park 

Planning reference number 4185/15 (lodged 9/12/15)

The original application for the development at St. Paul’s College/St. Anne’s (3899/15) was declared invalid because the company named as the applicant was not a legal entity and accordingly a new application has been lodged by the Developer. The CRA have received a communication from Murray Consulting on behalf of Crekav Landbank Investments Limited informing us that the new application has been lodged and that, other than the change of name of the applicant, the application remains unchanged from the original which was invalidated.

A large number of residents took the trouble to lodge observations to the original application and they will need to resubmit these observations with reference to the new application before 4.30 p.m. on Thursday 21st January next. If you are resubmitting your observation you will not be required to pay another €20 as in most cases Dublin City Council have retained the fee lodged with the first observation and will apply it to the new one.  However, you will need to attach your receipt with your observation.

We encourage those residents who did not make a submission first time around and who are concerned about the implications of having almost 400 dwellings on the perimeter of St. Anne’s Park and St. Paul’s College, to make their voice heard by lodging an observation this time.

If you need any assistance in this regard please do not hesitate to contact Clontarf Residents’ Association (

For your assistance, a copy of our observation to the original application is attached.

Clontarf Residents’ Association Observation