St. Gabriel's Pharmacy 10 years in business and Movember update

03 Dec 2012

st gabriels pharmacy ten years in business and movember updateSt. Gabriel's Pharmacy will be celebrating 10 years in business this Thursday, December 6th.

They will be having a '10% DAY' and offering 10% off everything in the store (except prescriptions). This is an excellent opportunity to get some Christmas shopping in!

They will also be celebrating their ten years in business with a bit of a party, and they are encouraging everyone to stop by and enjoy a 'tipple' on them!

Dermot and everyone at St. Gabriel's Pharmacy wish to extend a big thank you to all of their customers who have supported them over the last ten years! Here's to another ten!

Movember Update:

Many of you may have been aware that Dermot Whooley, owner of St. Gabriel's Pharmacy, was taking part in Movember this year.

We followed his progress on and on our Facebook page. Dermot is pictured right in his Movember outfit outside the pharmacy.

Dermot informed us that himself, and everyone involved in his Movember campaign, managed to raise over €1,000 for the Irish Cancer Society. Muchas Gracias Amigo to everyone that supported him in his campaign!