St Anne's Park Community Archaeology Event Programme

30 Sep 2021

St Anne's Park Community Archaeology Programme will host a series of online lectures over the coming months. 

  • ‘Recent archaeological investigations in St Anne’s Park’ delivered Tuesday October 5th 19.30 by
    Johnny Ryan – Archaeology and Built Heritage Ltd.
  • ‘Guinness Houses from the collections of the Irish Architectural Archive’ delivered Tuesday October 12th 19.30
    Simon Lincoln - Irish Architectural Archive
  • ‘St Anne’s Estate and Victorian Clontarf’ -delivered Tuesday November 2nd 19.30 by Professor Colm Lennon - Maynooth University

Tickets are available on Eventbrite. Search for:
St Anne's Park Community Archaeology

And please follow the group on Twitter: @AnnesParkArch, Facebook: @StAnnesParkCommunityArchaeology  & Instagram: @annesparkarch

The group is also offering a free online course 'Know your Locality' to be delivered by the Irish Archaeological Field School
The course is delivered online and booked through the link here where you will also find an outline of the course.