Spars Christmas Gift To Patrick

02 Jan 2015

patrick and teddy

Just before Christmas, we launched a public appeal to find a missing teddy bear, which belonged to a local boy named Patrick. The bear had huge sentimental value and the family were desperate to have it returned.

Gus O’ Hara, the staff of Spar Vernon Avenue and many other businesses in the locality made a valiant effort to find the bear.

Unfortunately, the bear could not be located. However, this didn’t mean that Patrick’s Christmas was spoiled!

Spar Vernon Avenue wanted to make sure that Patrick had a lovely Christmas, so manager Paul Kelly called round to his home with a brand new bear as well as a huge supply of treats and selection boxes for Patrick and his four siblings.

We were really moved by this story, as it’s one that shows goodwill and excellent community spirit. The efforts of the staff at Spar Vernon Avenue are particularly notable - from checking CCTV to searching the entirety of Vernon Avenue, no stone was left unturned in the hope of returning Patrick’s bear. 

Here’s what Patrick’s mother had to say:

“Thank you so much Gus, Paul and all in Spar Vernon Avenue, Spar Ireland, and ‘With Love’! You have done such great work trying to locate Little Brown Bear… Patrick is delighted with his new friend (yet to be named!) and his gifts. Patrick is smiling again and in much better form. You have shown true Christmas Spirit and for that we are truly grateful. And to all traders on Vernon Ave who looked... thank you!”
