Spar Supports Clontarf Olympians!

15 Aug 2016

O' Hara's Spar revealed their fantastic Olympic Banner last week at their Vernon Avenue store. 

Spar are proud to show their support for two of Clontarf's sporting heroes, Mick Clohisey and Ellen Keane, who will compete in the Games at Rio this year. 

Mick "the Claw" Clohisey is a long time employee at Spar Vernon Avenue, and will make his Olympic debut at the Men's Marathon this Sunday, 21st August. 

Ellen, a veteran of the Paralympic Games now since she first competed in Beijing 2008, will compete in the Games which take place in Rio between 7th - 18th September. 2016 sees Ellen represent Ireland in swimming for the third time. (Check out the video we shot with Ellen last year, as she prepared for the road to Rio here)

Well done to Gus and all the team at O' Hara's Spar for putting great effort into to showing their support for these two fantastic athletes. It is fantastic to see local businesses backing Clontarf sports stars!