Shoutout To Our Overseas Readers!

30 Jan 2015

gary herbert - old photo

Pictured above: Nana & Granddad O'Brien and my Aunty Anne, 163 Clontarf Road (1960s). Thanks to Gary for sending in this image.

We recently received this from one of our overseas readers. Gary is a Clontarf native but for many years has lived and worked in Germany. We were really moved by his message to us, which we have published below with his permission:

“I used to live at 163 Clontarf Road in the 60s and 70s, with my Nana, Grandad, Mum Da and sisters and brother, my mother was an O'Brien, and my Grandfather John O'Brien worked on the buses until he retired. My Granda Herbert worked in the Docks as did my Uncles. My Uncle Christie Herbert now 86, still lives at 103 Conquer Hill, unfortunately my Uncle Seamus passed away last year but the rest of my Aunties still live around the area Coolock etc. Most of us younger generation left years ago to seek our fortune, but as I am now in my 50s and living in Germany, the past is very important and I try to get back to Clontarf as often as I can and just enjoy sitting on the sea wall or wondering up to Bull bridge as we did when we were kids, I even remember freezing in the Lido when it was still open and collecting shells when the tide was out for Nana so she could glue them to old bottles and make lamps out of them.

Why I am telling you all this, I don't know really but, I do enjoy reading the news on the website and thought I would drop a note to say that even those of us living away from Clontarf still follow what is happening on the website and thoroughly enjoy seeing the pictures etc. which are often added.

I recently finished a song for Mum and Dad about Clontarf when we were kids, I have attached it if anyone would like to hear it, there seems to be a lot of songs about Dublin but I haven't found any that mention Clontarf, which is a shame as the Bay is such a beautiful area.

Keep up the good work and best wishes.” would first of all like to extend a huge thank you to Gary for such a kind message - it’s great to hear that our website is helping those who live abroad feel that bit closer to home. would like to extend a thank you to all of our overseas readers, wherever in the world you are! We’re glad that we can help you feel connected with what is a truly special place. 

This email has also inspired us to set up a new gallery - Clontarf in the Old Days. Gary sent us on some fantastic family photos he had of Clontarf back in the 1960s. We’ve added Gary’s great photos into this gallery, but we would love to add some more! If you have any photos of Clontarf from years ago that you would like us to share, please send them in to us at