Sea Wall Update - Letter to DCC from Local Representative Groups

15 Jan 2016

We have been asked to publish the following letter which was sent to DCC on 14th January 2016, on behalf of the Clontarf Residents’ Association, Clontarf Business Association, Dublin Bay Watch and the Save our Seafront Group. 

Also, for those of you who may not have seen John Morrissey's video following the completion of an independent survey on the wall heights click here.


Mr. Declan Wallace

Executive Manager 

Environment and Transportation Department


Mr. Dave Dinnigan

Executive Manager

North Central and North West Areas


Dublin City Council

Civic Offices

Wood Quay

Dublin 8

14th January, 2016

Re: S2S Cycleway and Footway Interim Works - Bull Bridge to Causeway Road

Dear Declan and Dave,

Further to the site visit of Tuesday, 12th January 2016, we would like to propose the following compromise to allow the above works to continue, which at the same time meets the needs of the community and protects the unique environment and amenity value of the surrounding area:

  • The new wall between the Bull Bridge and Mt. Prospect Avenue to be built to the level as designed, to 4.25 metres OD Malin Head, including capping.
  • The wall height between Mt. Prospect Avenue and the Causeway Road to be reduced in order to reinstate the visual amenity. This reduction to be agreed with the Community Groups and DCC prior to the recommencement of works and the agreed reduction to take into account the capacity of the wall to be increased, by way of either permanent or temporary flood defences, in the future if required.

If this compromise is acceptable to you, we are in agreement that works can recommence subject to compliance with the European Habitats Directive, agreement with Birdwatch Ireland and the NationalParks and Wildlife Service and to compliance with the requirements of the relevant planning permissions. This is on the understanding that the remaining issues between the Environmental Monitoring and Liaison Committee, the Community Groups and DCC will be resolved, in good faith, within the coming weeks.

In this context, we would like to note our surprise that your independent expert, Dr. Jimmy Murphy, did not attend Tuesday’s site meeting, which would have facilitated an exchange with our group, all of whom were in attendance. You will recall that the first item in his Terms of Reference is:

“1. Site visits. 

Meeting with Environmental Monitoring and Liaison Committee.”

Please confirm that this condition will be fulfilled prior to the completion of Dr. Murphy’s report.

As you are aware, our involvement in this process is voluntary and springs solely from a concern for the valuable amenities that exist within our community. Our members have incurred and are continuing to incur significant time, costs and effort in proposing this compromise and we ask that our commitment, and the motivations for same, is recognized and acknowledged by DCC.

We look forward to receipt of all of the information promised by DCC at our meeting of 16th December 2015, including a summary of the planning permissions under which this project is being carried out.

We are very cognisant of the fact that many areas of the country are suffering from the devastating effects of flooding. We welcome DCC’s efforts to protect our homes and businesses from such threat. However, we feel strongly that all flood defences need to balance the risk of flooding and the potential resultant damage with the impact of the proposed flood defences on the receiving environment, especially in an area as sensitive as a UNESCO Biosphere.

Finally, we wish to acknowledge the efforts of our City Councillors, public representatives and DCC personnel in helping to progress matters.

Yours sincerely,

Clontarf Residents’ Association, Clontarf Business Association, Dublin Bay Watch, Save Our Seafront

Copy: Mr. George Ryan, Chairman, Environmental Monitoring and Liaison Committee