Sample Objection Letter to Dublin Port Company Masterplan
The closing date for submissions as part of the Dublin Port Company Consultation process is Tuesday 31st May 2011. If you would like to lodge an objeciton to the plan, we have provided a sample objection letter that might make it easier for you.
You can view it in PDF format here
And here is the text if you wish to copy it into your own document. (Our thanks to Elizabeth Mawson for suggesting this wording.)
The Secretary,
The Dublin Port Company
Port Centre,
Alexandra Road,
Dublin 1.
Dear Sir,
Re: The Masterplan Proposed for Dublin Bay
With reference to your Open Day held on 28th April 2011 and to your company’s request for our submissions, to help you proceed with your plans to infill the Bay.
I would like to confirm that at this point I am strongly objecting to the full Master Plan for the infill of Dublin Bay.
When you inform us fully of your intentions, in the form of a well laid out plan, lodged with an Bord Pleanala, of what you actually propose, then I will be in a much better position to make specific objections relevant to the proposal.
Yours faithfully,