S2S Cycleway Update

04 Feb 2015

This update comes from the local Labour Party organisation. 

The construction works for the S2S Cycleway and Footway, between the Wooden Bridge and Causeway Road is scheduled to start on 1st April 2015. The works cannot start on an earlier date due to the environmental restrictions. 

It is anticipated a construction contract will be awarded to the preferred tenderer in March 2015. The works are scheduled for completion in Autumn 2016. Funding for the construction of the scheme has been approved.

We also received the following from Cllr. Naoise O' Muiri. This was Cllr. O' Muiri's question to the Chief Executive Office:

COUNCILLOR NAOISE Ó’MUIRI: "Can the Chief Executive Office please provide me with an up-to-date report on the very welcome plans to provide a route for the S2S cycle-way through to Amiens Street?" 

CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPLY: "Dublin City Council’s Environment and Transportation Department has appointed a Consultant to design a high quality cycle route to link the existing cycle track in Clontarf to Amiens Street. It is anticipated that public consultation on the proposal will commence in March/April 2015."