S2S Cycleway Information Meeting
There was a very good turnout this week for the information meeting on the proposed cycleway on the Clontarf Rd which was organised by the Clontarf Residents' Association. This scheme runs from the Wooden Bridge as far as the Causeway.
About 250 people listened to a presentation on the scheme provided by the consulting engineers on the project and there was an opportunity to ask questions afterwards. The drawings and other materials were also on display.
Key concerns raised by attendees included:
- access to the slipway at Dollymount Avenue
- it was claimed that the flood risk on this part of the Clontarf Rd was very low and that there had no significant issues in living memory
- there were questions raised on the buffer between the motorists and cyclists and pedestrians
- the speed levels on the road were also raised and suggestions made about better signage
- speeding by cyclists was also raised and it was pointed out that cyclists must also adhere to road speed limits
- parking on the Clontarf road was also raised with existing issues being exacerbated by further reductions in spaces as part of the new scheme
- the fact that the plans were in Raheny library and not closer to Clontarf was also raised as an issue
- the project duration was also raised and a 12 month timeframe was suggested by the engineers but only if they started before the summer as there are restrictions as to when certain works can be undertaken.
We would like to note the attendance of the following local representatives at the meeting:
- Aodhan O'Riordain, TD
- Finian McGrath, TD
- Councillor Naoise O'Muiri (current Lord Mayor of Dublin)
- Councillor Damian O'Farrell
- Councillor Jane Horgan-Jones
Further information
Go to the Dublin City Council website at: http://www.dublincity.ie/RoadsandTraffic/MajorTransportProjects/Pages/SuttontoSandycoveCyclewayandFootwayInterimWorksScheme.aspx
Next steps
If you would like to make a submission, you need to do so by 4.30pm on 18th February.