Road Closures & Bus Diversion to facilitate S2S Works - Update from CRA
The current road closure from Mt Prospect Ave to Dollymount Ave is due to end on Sunday 6th of November at midnight. This closure will be followed immediately by a final road closure from Dollymount Ave to the junction of Clontarf Road and Kincora Road (i.e. just past the Bull Bridge at Kinara).
The closure will be implemented on a phased basis as follows:
Monday 7th November
Clontarf Rd closed from Wooden Bridge to Dollymount Ave
- Wooden Bridge will be open.
- Dollymount Ave junction will be closed.
Monday 21st November
Clontarf Rd closed from Kincora Road to Dollymount Ave
- Kincora Rd (left before Kinara heading South) junction will be closed.
- Dollymount Ave junction will be closed.
Dollymount Ave, Dollymount Pk, the end of Seafield Rd East, Seapark Drive and the Clontarf Rd from Conquer Hill Rd will effectively become cul de sacs during these closures. “Strictly No Access – Clontarf Road Closed” signage will be put in place at the top of each of these roads for the duration of the closures. They will also be manned for the first few days of the closures. A clear space to facilitate turning will be maintained at the end of these roads. It is imperative that people do not park in the turning areas. Additional signage will be placed at Castle Ave and Vernon Ave advising drivers of the road closure with a view to minimising the number of additional cars using Conquer Hill Road and Seapark Drive.
We will be continuing to engage with DCC, KN and our local Councillors about these closures. If there are issues or concerns not covered that you would like us to address or you have any feedback on these plans please email us at
The 32x has been diverted via the Howth Road since the closure of the James Larkin section of the coast road on the 10th October. This diversion will remain in place until all of the S2S resurfacing works are completed i.e. 27th November.