Rebecca Mooney Set to Defend European Title
Rebecca Mooney from Clontarf has been named as part of the Ireland Squad who will compete in the upcoming European Taekwon-do Championships being held in Bulgaria next week.
Rebecca, a student in Holy Faith Clontarf will turn 17 while in Bulgaria, already has a huge amount experience at this level of competition and has represented Ireland on 4 separate occasions.
Rebecca is the current European Champion (at - 45kg) and is aiming to repeat the performances that saw her win the title in Finland last year.
Rebecca will also represent Team Ireland in 1st degree black belt individual patterns as well as team patterns and team sparring.
Rebecca has again received great support for this campaign from local business people. With the costs of the trips resting on the athletes and their Clubs this support is very important.
All of Clontarf wish Rebecca the very best of luck at the championships. Updates will be made available on her club facebook page