Public Meeting Today at 3.00pm at the Wooden Bridge
Tell us what you think about the proposals - click here
Next month is too late. Next week is too late. We must make ourselves heard RIGHT NOW.
So this is what it feels like when something you’ve always taken for granted is about to be boxed away. The why behind why you love Clontarf. The why of why you call this place home.
We support our neighbours who have suffered from, or are vulnerable to, flooding. But a flood defence structure that destroys the promenade and our bay view is not good enough, and you were not given an opportunity to suggest better; there are many other flood defence solutions.
Please do not underestimate the risk that this flood defence project will go ahead in its current format. DCC do not want to revise this plan. At the end of the agreed 3 week 'engagement period', they are still planning to make a decision. As it currently stands there is NOTHING to suggest that this decision will take on board the views of over 98% of residents as well as the views of other citizens of Dublin.
We have started a battle, but we can’t win it without YOU!.
For your children, for yourself, for Clontarf, stand with us at the Wooden Bridge, 3 p.m., Sunday 14th October.