Public Meeting Regarding Sea Wall - 4th November
**The following is a statement from the Clontarf Residents' Association re Public Meeting on Wednesday 4th November**
You may have seen the signs around the area over the weekend in relation to a public meeting to be held on Wednesday night in the Clontarf Castle at 7.30pm in relation to the Sea Wall issue.
The meeting is being organised by Finian McGrath TD and Councillor Damian O'Farrell.
The CRA will have a presence at this event. We would like to encourage you to attend if you have a viewpoint you would like to get across or if you would like to get more information.
There is also a private information meeting arranged by Dublin City Council on the day after. It is for public representatives only but the CRA expect to hear further information after that.
Following on from both meetings and any further developments, the CRA will decide on next steps which may include further public meetings.