Plans to Remove Fairview Footbridge Dismissed

17 Sep 2015

The Dublin People are reporting that Dublin City Council have decided to scrap the plans to remove Fairview Footbridge as part of the works on the proposed cycle track from the Alfie Byrne Road to Amiens Street. 

Back in July the Clontarf Resident's Association brought to the attention of our readers, that a number of concerns were raised during a public meeting held in Smyth's Pub, Fairview, regarding these plans. A representative for the CRA who was in attendance, voiced their concern over the school children crossing the busy, multi-lane road, should the footbridge be removed.  

Dublin City Council have confirmed that the proposals for the new Clontarf to City Centre cycle track will not include any plans for the existing pedestrian bridge. 

We're sure this is welcome news to many residents in Clontarf and the surrounding areas as many people had articulated their concerns over this issue.