Plan to tear down Fairview bridge is 'ludicrous'

16 Jun 2015

Fairview Footbridge

Image Source: has today revealed plans to replace the Fairview footbridge with a pedestrian crossing. The article writes that the proposal is part of a report that will be discussed at a Dublin City Council's north area committee meeting today.

Labour TD Sean Kenny said that the report is focused on a proposed new cycle route between Clontarf Road and Amiens Street in the city centre. The 2.5km route is described in the report as having 'high quality, continuous and consistent cycle facilities'. Mr Kenny proceeded to label the proposel as 'ludicrous', highlighting the fact that an additional pedestrian crossing would slow traffic in one of Dublin's busiest traffic routes.   

The news comes a quite a shock to residents in the area, with many of them seeing the footbridge as something of a landmark. They also voiced their concerns about increasing levels of traffic, and the fact that the footbridge is used by many children coming and going to Fairview Park. 

We're struggling here at the office to understand the logic of replacing a heavily used footbridge with a pedestrian crossing, especially seeing as how many children use the bridge on a daily basis.  

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