Pathways to God: Four Ecumenical evenings
There will be a series of talks on, over four Wednesday evenings, in the Parish Centre at Saint John the Baptist Church, Clontarf Road, in which people of different religious traditions will speak about their traditions.
The evenings begin at 7.30pm and conclude at 9.00 pm.
The first talk in the series will take place on Wednesday, November 13th. This talk will feature the ‘Reformed tradition within Christianity’.
Rev. Lorraine Ritchie, the minister for Clontarf and Scots Presbyterian Church will speak on the Presbyterian tradition. Rev. David Nixon, the minister for Clontarf Methodist Church will speak on the Methodist tradition and Dr. Yazid Said, an Anglican priest originally from Nazareth, a visiting lecturer in Mater Dei Institute, will speak on Anglicanism.
The following three talks will be held on Wednesdays, November 20th, November 27th and December 4th and will feature speakers from Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. More information on these talks to follow.
Please come along to some or all of the evenings.