Open Evening for Greater Dublin Drainage
Public Consultation and Open Evening for Greater Dublin Drainage on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Preferred Site, Orbital Sewer and Marine Outfall Option
Fingal County Council has announced the preferred solution for the Greater Dublin Drainage project, consisting of 26km of pipeline, a wastewater treatment plant at Clonshagh (Clonshaugh), and an outfall pipe located 6km out to sea from Baldoyle Bay. To view the Report and maps click here.
Come along to an open evening on Tuesday 16th July 2013 from 3pm to 8pm in the Hilton Dublin Airport Hotel, Northern Cross, Malahide Road, Dublin 17.
Meet the project teamHave your questions answeredProvide your feedback on issues to be considered in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
For further information or to make a submission, please:
Lo-call telephone: 1890 44 55 67
Write: Greater Dublin Drainage Project Manager, c/o RPS Group,
West Pier Business Campus, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland