Note from Clontarf Residents' Association Committee

31 Oct 2013

Dear fellow residents,

As you will have seen from our previous website notice, the AGM of Clontarf Residents’ Association takes place on Tuesday 12th November.  

Your Association has been in existence since 1970 and over that time we have worked with the community and the authorities to maintain the existing amenities, successfully fought the proposal for Liquid Petroleum Gas Caverns between Clontarf and the Port, the 52 Acre Infill by Dublin Port and more recently the proposed Flood Defences along the Promenade.

Regarding the Flood Defences – we, and the Clontarf Business Association, continue to work with Dublin City Council to achieve a design for Flood Defences that will provide the necessary level of protection while retaining the amenity that is our Promenade.  We will be giving a more detailed report on this at the AGM.

We also monitor the weekly planning lists and help residents with advice if they are concerned about a proposal in their vicinity.

Currently we are working with other local groups in preparation for the Commemoration of the Battle of Clontarf Millennium next year.  Together with the Clontarf Historical Society, The Clontarf Business Association and Raheny Heritage Society, we have established a ‘2014 Team’ and have had several meetings with other local groups.  An outline calendar of events will be available at the meeting together with a report on the plans to date.

Please come along to your AGM.  We really need your input – we are a small committee and urgently need more members either at committee level or as street coordinators.

The Committee meets once a month for about an hour and a half, so please consider joining us.

Annual Subscriptions:  We wish to thank those of you who have paid your Annual Subscriptions.  For those of you who have not got around to it yet, the sub is still only €10.

There are two ways of paying: 

(1) You can go to the website here and pay by using PayPal

(2) you can put it in an envelope with a slip of paper giving your Name, Address, Email address and if you like a phone contact number.  You can then either drop it in or post it to 35 Castle Avenue, Clontarf, addressed to Clontarf Residents’ Association

The email address is really important to us as it makes it easy for us to contact you.  Needless to say your details will not be shared with anybody else.

We look forward to seeing you at the Meeting on Tuesday 12th.

Your Committee.