No Plans for Bay Infill in New Dublin Port Plan

07 Mar 2014

It would appear that common sense has finally prevailed with the latest Dublin Port development plan no longer including a proposal for a partial bay infill.

Deirdre Tobin, Chairperson of the Clontarf Residents' Association has commented: "This news will come as a great relief to many residents and business people in Clontarf who have vehemently opposed such an infill for decades. It totally vindicates the position that the Clontarf Residents' Association have taken over the years. There always were alternatives to the bay infill proposal and it is only now that these alternatives are being seriously looked at.

It is frightening to think what our beautiful bay would now look like without our strong opposition.

On a day like this we are mindful of the many people that have stood shoulder to shoulder with the CRA over the years. The late Sean Loftus springs immediately to mind, also our great friends in Dublin Bay Watch and our public representatives too.

While Dublin Port have not ruled out a future infill proposal, this announcement secures the current footprint of the Bay for many years. 

We will in due course be reflecting on the new proposal and will make a further statement once our committee have had time to review its content in more detail."

Read the Irish Times article here.