National Slow Down Day 2022

02 Jun 2022

From 7 am today, 2nd June, to 7 am tomorrow, 3rd June, it is national ‘Slow Down Day. Clontarf Residents' Association is asking everyone to be mindful of their speed when driving. We need to protect all road users and be especially mindful of the more vulnerable in our community e.g. older people crossing the road, and young children walking and cycling to school.

A 30kmph speed limit applies throughout most of Clontarf. There are only 4 exceptions to this 30kmph limit and they are Clontarf Road, Castle Ave, Vernon Ave and Seafield Road East where a 50kmph speed limit applies. Remember, it is a limit not a target and your speed should be appropriate for the conditions. Also, when exiting your driveway please drive slowly and be mindful of those on the path.

Please also be mindful of those with mobility issues. Don’t park on the footpaths as doing so may force pedestrians, parents with buggies, wheelchair users and the visually impaired to have to use the road to get by.

Together we can make our neighbourhood a safer more considerate place for everyone.

As always, CRA welcomes feedback, on this or any issue, by email to