Minister Richard Bruton Attends BodyMed Launch In Clontarf
We are delighted to announce the grand opening of BodyMed at the Seapoint Building on the Clontarf Road.
Earlier today Richard Bruton, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, attended BodyMed’s official business launch to cut the ribbon.
BodyMed is an exciting new clinic where experts from the fields of Western medicine (GP/Sports Physicians, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, and Nutritionists) work alongside specialists in the Eastern disciplines of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Tong’s Acupuncture, K.O.R.E. therapy, Kinesiology, Craniosacral therapy, TaiChi, Qigong and meditation.
The concept for this collaboration arose out of the growing appreciation that people’s health and wellbeing is influenced by more than just biomechanical structures such as muscles, nerves and joints. The functioning of our internal organs and digestion play a key role in some of the external, physical symptoms we experience. Our energy flow or, as the Chinese call it, Qi, can produce an array of symptoms if blocked or ‘stagnant’ - not forgetting the global influence of the mind in how we feel, our ability to concentrate, problem solve and tackle the demands of life/sport.
For more information about Body Med, please see our earlier news story and their official business page.
We will also shortly have a video of the event which we will post on our website and Facebook page!