Make Way Day! Friday 30th September 2022

30 Sep 2022

Today is National Make Way Day!

You are being asked to think about people with mobility issues and how your behaviour can help or hinder them in their daily lives when it comes to navigating our footpaths.  Obstacles that people encounter include cars parked on footpaths, bikes chained to railings, sandwich boards on the path, overhanging branches and shrubs.  Please choose to be part of the solution.


Don’t park on footpaths.  Doing so may force pedestrians, parents with buggies, wheelchair users or the visually impaired to have to use the road to get by.  It is also illegal to park on the footpath.

Leave designated disabled spaces for those with the appropriate permit. They need wider spaces and the proximity to the shops.


Please cut back your shrubs so that they are not overhanging the pavement. Overhanging shrubs can pose a danger to blind and partially sighted people.  Again, legally your shrubs cannot extend beyond the boundary of your property.


Where possible reverse into your driveway – that way you will have a better view of the footpath when you are exiting.

Always exit your driveway slowly, being mindful of those on the footpath.

Together we make our neighbourhood a safer more considerate place for everyone.

As always, we welcome feedback, on this or any issue, by email to