Lots of Leaf Cleaning in Progress!

29 Nov 2022

Shout out to all the residents who have been busy clearing the leaves from the footpaths.  

Everyone who requested biobags should have received their delivery by now. The bio bags have been supplied by DCC and are solely for collecting leaves from public paths and roads. These leaves will be composted so please do not put other garden waste or household rubbish into these bags.  

If you have more garden waste than your brown bin can cope with, DCC have Green Waste Recycling facilities in their Bring Centres on Collins Ave and Oscar Traynor Road. For further details check out DCC’s website.

Shout out also to DCC for picking up all the bags. They have collected 603 tons of leaves so far this year compared to 400 tons in the same period in 2021; and, approx. 15 tons per day in November. They are working hard to keep up with demand but if there are still bags on your road, please let us know, and we will arrange for a collection.    

We would like to thank everyone who completed the leaf net survey. If you haven’t done so yet there is still time - Leaf Net Survey 

If there are still leaves on your road and you would like some biobags, please email us at Clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com, with your address, and we will arrange to drop some bags to you.  

A message from Clontarf Residents’ Association