Local Property Tax Important Information

01 May 2013

Below is a letter to local residents from Councillor Gerry Breen regarding the Property Tax. Please have a read of this as it contains some very useful information.

"Dear Resident,

Many people have asked me about the local property tax. It is a self assessment tax and there is no need to employ a professional valuer.

You submit in the coming week or weeks what you think your house/apartment is valued at.

Key Dates

  • Wednesday May 1st is the valuation date for the Local Property Tax is not a deadline but merely a notional date.
  • Tuesday May 7th is the date for owners to get their form back by post.
  • Tuesday May 28th is the date for owners to submit returns through the web.

If you need to call the Revenue Commissioners phone 1890 200 255.

Calculate your tax

The Revenue Commissioners have sent out letters putting a value on your home. You can also assess your home’s value by visiting the following links:

Visit the Revenue’s website section here.

Visit the Daft.ie website calculator here.

See what houses sold for in your area here.

Once you have decided what value you are putting on your property, you can get the exact amount due for 2013 by visiting the Revenue website here.


To do your return - by 28th May - through the web visit the Revenue website here.

Regards, Gerry

Councillor Gerry Breen

Mobile:087 2567811

