Local Coast Guard is featured on RTE's Capital D

11 Jul 2011

As you may know, the sea coast alongside Clontarf is patrolled by the Howth Coast Guard which is a search and rescue service manned by a team of volunteers.

Many of you will have seen them doing an exercise at the recent Clontarf Festival.

Their work has also been highlighted just last week on RTE's Capital D programme.  There is a simulated exercise performed by the Coast Guard Bike Search and Rescue unit in the Dollymount beach area.

If you are interested in learning more about their work, it's well worth a look. To view the clip, click here.

Hopefully, you won't ever have call on their service but if you ever see someone in trouble on or near the water/ beach call 999 and ask for the Coast Guard.

We wish them well with their very important work.