Latest update re DCC meeting and our position since last Friday

07 Nov 2011

Please accept our apologies for not updating you sooner on where we are at in relation to the campaign. We had planned to send out an email newsletter at some stage today but it was not possible as we had to divert out attention to preparing a document for all Dublin City Councillors for a full council meeting that was held earlier this evening.

It's best to start with an update on the outcome of that meeting. The City Manager has now been forced via council vote to put the flood defence plan to a full council vote in December and that if it's voted down, it will not go ahead in its current form. This now puts pressure on us to convince a majority of councillors that this plan is not the right plan for Dublin. We believe strongly that we can do this and will be starting work immediately in this regard.

This outcome of the meeting was based on a motion initially tabled by Cllr Damian O'Farrell and Cllr Nial Ring which was then amended by Cllr Jane Horgan-Jones and seconded by Cllr Deirdre Heney. It was passed comfortably.

DCC now plan to conduct four information sessions in Clontarf Castle during November for residents and other interested parties. The CBA/CRA will also be providing information in tandem with this process.

Below is some more detailed information.

We recommend strongly that you read these documents.

We were also 'live tweeting' from the meeting (Thanks Miriam!). Below is a list of our updates throughout the meeting. Twitter limits each post to 140 characters so paraphrasing and other techniques are needed to get the point across. We hope that the meaning is still clear and that it provides some addiitonal insight. Tweets are in reverse order i.e. most recent first.


clontarfRA 7:49pm via HootSuite
Cllr Niall Ring asked that all people be allowed to comment on #Clontarf flood defense proposals, not just locals, as is an amenity for all.

clontarfRA 7:47pm via HootSuite
Mr John Tierney asks people not to make up their minds b4 the information giving meeting in Clontarf Castle. Nov dates TBA, 4 days,incl Sat.

clontarfRA 7:44pm via HootSuite
...(contd) back to DCC in Dec.' and 'It will be up to members to make a decision at that stage'.

clontarfRA 7:43pm via HootSuite
Mr John Tierney proposes 'we go ahead & present to people of clontarf. give them opportunity to make their observations, bring report...

clontarfRA 7:42pm via HootSuite
Mr John Tierney re consultation - '..More should have been done, & I apologise for that & I apologise to the councillors in particular'.

clontarfRA 7:40pm via HootSuite
Cllr Gerry Breen 'unfortunate what happened, & unfortunate that its tied in with water main'.'I don't think there was any mal-intent by DCC'

clontarfRA 7:39pm via HootSuite
Cllr Naoise O'Muiri: Change in heights were never brought into consultation.Heights took him by surprise too.'2006 heights prob reasonable'

clontarfRA 7:35pm via HootSuite
Cllr Damian O'Farrell 'Adaptive Management' is DCC's proposal to allow mounds to be increased further over time if needs be. Not acceptable.

clontarfRA 7:34pm via HootSuite
Cllr Damian O'Farrell - DCC 'have not taken full responsibility' for lack of consultations'. #big breakdown in trust between DCC & Clontarf'

clontarfRA 7:33pm via HootSuite
Cllr Damian O'Farrell 'DCC showed a lot of disrespect for locals and for councillors'. 'Disgrace that councillors were never informed'.

clontarfRA 7:28pm via HootSuite
Other questions being asked re what will happen to arterial mains project if proposed Clontarf flood defenses do not go ahead.

clontarfRA 7:27pm via HootSuite
Cllr Pat Crimmins 'International Consultants ...were Dutch specialist brought into this at all'? 'Can mounds have grass cut in future?'

clontarfRA 7:26pm via HootSuite
Cllr D Heney 'Residents concern - 1.2m max height given in 2006'. Now being told it was higher. Clarification needed on this.

clontarfRA 7:25pm via HootSuite
Cllr Deirdre Heney 'there was nothing in letter sent in past that the heights had changed'. 'People in Clontarf taken totally by suprise'

clontarfRA 7:23pm via HootSuite
Cllr HorganJones was sent 3 docs this morning by DCC team when she asked about heights. All docs (from 2006) had NO heights in them!

clontarfRA 7:21pm via HootSuite
'Consultation process fell v short of what was needed for such a big project' - Cllr HorganJones.

clontarfRA 7:20pm via HootSuite
Cllr HorganJone 'Presentation tonight (by DCC) is only 1 side of a v long story'. 'CRB/CBA do not have an opportunity to present'

clontarfRA 7:19pm via HootSuite
Cllr Jane HorganJones proposes 'Council rejects Flood Defense Plan'...'no contracts should be signed' before Dec meeting. 2nd'ed by D.Heney

clontarfRA 7:17pm via HootSuite
Cllr Niall Ring 'It will become a rapist & muggers paradise'. 'Its not for people of Clontarf, but for people of whole city &whole country'

clontarfRA 7:15pm via HootSuite
Cllr Niall Ring speaks out - 'would be an act of National Sabotage' on the scale of Wood Quay etc.. 'You're disengenuous & misleading'

clontarfRA 6:56pm via HootSuite
Our agenda item up nxt: Report No.315/2011 of the Assistant City Manager (S. Lyons) – Clontarf Flood Defences & Arterial Watermain Project

clontarfRA 6:52pm via HootSuite
Dublin City Council monthly meeting underway - listen & watch live #Clontarf Flood Defences will be discussed